Castle Roast

We recently caught up with Edinburgh Castle’s head chef, Adrian Knibbs.
Here at Edinburgh Castle we started to build our Castle Roast Tent. It looks more like a pagoda than a tent, which should make it easy to spot us! My team and I have put in a lot of hard work, to bring you the Castle Roast. We have spent many hours measuring and tasting, to make it a great experience.
Last year, we also had a hog roast tent that served delicious Ayrshire ham. But this year, we wanted to take it up a level. We are going to offer a variety of meats and a vegetarian option. You can choose from Scottish beef, British turkey, Ayrshire ham or a veggie option. After you have selected your main, you can then decide if you want it on its own, in a roll or in a Yorkshire pudding. I know which one I would have, Yorkshire pudding! And if that isn’t enough, the meal is served with a side of your choice; roast potatoes to root vegetables or stuffing balls. YUM!
As you can imagine, having a mobile kitchen in Scotland holds many problems let alone in a windy castle high above the street of Edinburgh. One of the difficulties was cooking on the huge hog roasting machine. Through many conversations with my team, old chef pals and some internet searching, we overcome the difficulties. Another glitch is the weather, as you can see from the photo we took during the install, it’s not always bright blue skies.
Despite some challenges, we are excited about our new roasting tent which has helped us overcome these difficulties. You know it’s all been worthwhile when you sit down in the castle to enjoy the amazing views across Edinburgh while you whet your appetite with a delicious roast.
Castle Roast Tent
Next to the prisoners of war museum
2 April – 30 Sept
10.30am-11.30am Open for hot and cold drinks
11.30am-3.30pm Open for Roasts
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