Meet Euan in our Admissions Team

23 January 2017
What were you doing before working at Edinburgh Castle?
I trained as a teacher and taught Religious Studies for a few years at high schools across Scotland. I also worked at other visitor attractions like the National Museum of Flight at East Fortune and Scottish Seabird Centre in North Berwick.
Why did you apply for the role?
I was always interested in Scottish history and did some courses as part of my university studies. I also had experience from working at other visitor attractions and enjoyed this type of work. When I was younger, my parents would take me to various Historic Environment Scotland sites so it fitted perfectly into what I enjoyed doing.
How long have you worked at the castle?
I’ve worked at the castle for 6 years now!
What’s it like working at Edinburgh Castle?
Its great working at Edinburgh Castle as you get to meet people from all over the world every day. Every day is different and brings its own challenges. I’ve got a great office with an incredible view, plus I get to work outside in the fresh air!
What are your main responsibilities?
It varies depending on what post you’re on. You could be welcoming visitors and tour groups, selling tickets and audio guides, dealing with vehicle access and delivery drivers on the esplanade, scanning tickets and making visitors aware of other ticketing options like Explorer Passes and Historic Scotland membership. You can be asked questions about anything – from the castle, to Scotland, to where to go to eat and what bus to get home!
What’s your favourite thing about your role?
Interacting with people from all over the world – I worked a function recently that the All Blacks attended! You also get the chance to visit other Historic Environment Scotland sites and recommend them to visitors.
Advice for new people?
Be enthusiastic! When you start, listen to experienced colleagues as you will learn a lot from them. Oh, and try not to get flustered when it gets busy!
Would you like to work at the castle? We are holding Recruitment Open Days for the post of Visitor Services Assistant from 31 January – 2 February 2017. Visit our website for more information.