Star Baker

2 May 2016
We caught up with her to talk about all things cakes!
How long has you been baking professionally?
I have been baking professionally for 16 years which happened accidently. A friend went on maternity leave from the Village Bakery, Melmerby in Cumbria. After baking for almost every day for three weeks I really got into it and i then started doing my apprenticeship.
Is baking something you’ve always wanted to do?
From when I started doing it I loved it. The more you do the more enjoyable it becomes and I love doing anything creative.
Now that you are a baker at Edinburgh Castle, will you be baking Edinburgh Castle inspired cakes?
I have recently made a silicon Portcullis mould by hand and this can be filled with chocolate or fondant and used on the side of a slice of cake.
What is your favourite cake?
It has got to be fruit. I am making a range of fruit cakes that will be gluten free – including apple and carrot. Also I will be making coconut crispies which are also gluten free. I am also excited to make dairy free cakes with a delicious dairy-free icing.
Where do you get your inspiration from?
Anything! Today the cakes on display are based on a bunch of Hydrangea flowers a friend gave to me as they are colourful and bright.
Keep an eye out for our cake of the month blog which will come with a handy cake tip. Here is Red’s top cake tip this month:
When making a sponge cake replace the butter with the equivalent weight of pureed avocado. This make a tasty and low fat sponge.
Stop by our tearoom on your next visit and tuck into one of Red’s delicious cakes – they are not to be missed!
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